Bhrigukar Overseas


Botanical Name

Curcuma Longa L.




Alleppey, Madras, Rajapuri, Lakadong, Blue Turmeric, Megha, Nizamabad, Sangli.

Edible Commercial Part

Rhizomes fingers and Bulbs.

Nutritional Composition per 100 g

As a dried rhizome of a herbaceous perennial plant and is one of the major spices of India, turmeric is closely related to ginger. The spice is also sometimes called “Indian saffron”. The underground rhizome imparts a distinctive flavor to food but it is also used to provide food with a deep, indelible orange color. The rhizomes contain yellow pigments called curcuminoids, colouring principle of which is curcumin & is responsible for many medicinal properties. Important flavour compounds in turmeric are Turmerone, Zingeberene, 1,8-cineole. Turmeric is used in a wide variety of foods of the cuisines of Southern Asia but locally it also applies as an antiseptic for skin abrasions and cuts.

Medicinal Properties

Thermogenic, Emollient, Anodyne, Anti inflammatory, Vulnerary, Depurative, Antiseptic, Appetizer, Carminative, Expectorant, Stomachic, Anthelmintic, Stimulant, Ophthalmic, Tonic, Used in Skin Diseases, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Cough, Bronchitis, Inflammations, Ulcers, Worms, Skin Discolouration.

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